Many people find investing in the stock market very intriguing and exciting, but the investment industry wants you to believe that investing is too complicated to do it on your own. They want you to believe that you need to pay the Wall Street professionals to do if for you. The fact of the matter is investing is actually very simple once you learn how to do it properly.
We built this course, so you can learn how to invest on your and take back control of your financial lives. Learn the Basics of Investing in the Stock Market Using our Step-By Step Process to Find, Analyze, and Value Stocks so You Can Invest with Absolute Confidence!
This course is designed for investors who are just starting out but don’t know where to start. It’s also designed for those who do have some investing experience but aren’t quite seeing the returns that you hoped for, and for those who have used financial professionals in the past but are fed up with paying high fees for low performance and are now ready to take control of their own financial future, TODAY! Whether your goal is to be a short-term stock trader, long-term value investor, investing in the stock market can provide you with endless opportunities.
As we guide you through 10 course sections together, you are going to learn all the basics that you need to know before you invest a penny, and then we will show you the exact steps we go through on a daily basis to:
· Find potential investment opportunities we can act on now
· Determine if this is a quality investment
· When to buy a stock at the right price
· When to sell based on FACTS, not emotions
· How to build a properly diversified portfolio
· How to manage portfolio risk
· Daily, weekly, and monthly routine for consistently finding new opportunities.
If you want a step-by-step process to earn consistent profits investing in the stock market, then this course may be for you. A basic knowledge of the stock market is not required. All that is required is a willingness to learn and apply what we teach.
After completing our course, you will be able to invest with absolute confidence as you will be now be able identify solid, fundamentally sound investment opportunities that you can profit from in any market condition for the rest of your life! We will be teaching you methods that you will be able to implement immediately to consistently earn better investing results. These methods are easy to understand and very easy to apply.
Our goal is to make sure that you put into action all the education that you have learned in our course. A great education is meaningless if you don’t apply your new-found knowledge. Once you have completed the course, we would like to offer a complimentary one-hour strategy session to keep you accountable, answer any questions you may have, and help you start off on the right path once you have finished the course. This is complimentary but not mandatory.
Here are some of the recent reviews for "A Beginners Guide to Investing in the Stock Market":
“I find your way of teaching inspiring! Thank you!”
“I am really enjoying Tom's class. Tom has taught me real, applicable trading practices, and shows me how to do the homework. He has walked us through the basic "fundamental rules" and has given us a chance to test out what we learned in real world examples. I am loving this class!”
“I have now the confidence to start trading! Thanks for this great course!”
“This course was really great for a beginning investor because it briefly touches on the foundation information needed to begin understanding the stock market but does not overwhelm the student. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and not only provides information about resources to use, but also how to properly use the resources. The homework assignments provided help to ensure understanding and the ability to apply the knowledge.”
“so far so good I'm learning a lot. The section on hidden fees is exceptionally helpful. Thank you!”