Vastu Shastra are the original instructions on how to create spaces in the universe and learns us how to harmonize with the higher principles of the universe, our earth, our body. In the space created in this way, one feels happy and harmonized. Vastu shastra is part of the ancient Vedas (knowledge leading to God). The Vedas were not created by man. It is the perfect manual for life directly from the creator.
This class is divided into 3 main sections, where we try to explain in simplicity:
Energetic laws - what types of energies enter our home (property), how do they affect the dwellers and how to work with them.
Geometric laws deal with the exact proportions and scale of a building (property), their derivation from the universal scale, as well as the practical calculations of the exact dimensions of a house (property). This section also addresses energetic lines, meridians of buildings, marma points of the building and how to respect them when creating space.
Informative laws deal with individual segments within a building (property)., the functional division of space on the basis of various criteria as well as Vedic astrology and its impact on housing.
The title of this class "Vastu Shastra - the older sister of Feng Shui" should be taken with a pinch of salt.
Feng Shui is 2000 years old, but Vastu Shastra is as old as the whole Universe. Feng Shui as many other disciplines is created for the age of Kali yuga and in this age we have to suffer, be in chaos, not understanding well, it's an age when we all are doomed to be dumb. And all the tools, different religions, philosophies, everything we are involved in on this planet is only meant to lead us astray. The ancient Vedas are crystal clear manual directly from the source. Nevertheless, Vedas, Vastu, Ayurveda, Astrology (Jyotish) can only alleviate our suffering on this planet, but not solve the biggest problem..... Guess what it is.