Unity Shader 入門 (廣東話)

Unity Shader 入門 (廣東話)

Rating 4.6 out of 5 (74 ratings in Udemy)

What you'll learn
  • Cg Shading Language
  • Unity ShaderLab Syntax
  • 3D Math - Vector / Matrix / Quaternion
  • Pixel Shader (像素著色器 )
  • Alpha Blending & Transparency
  • Texture Mapping Effects (紋理貼圖特效)
  • Terrain Detail Texture
  • Flow Map Texture
  • Vertex Shader (頂點著色器)
  • Vertex Deformer (頂點變形效果)
  • Basic Lighting Principles (基本燈光原理)
  • Normal Map (法線貼圖)
  • Toon Shading (卡通渲染)
  • MatCap Shader
  • Texture Mipmap
  • Pre-multiplied Alpha
  • Gamma Correction

Description …
Duration 12 Hours 58 Minutes

Self paced

Intermediate Level

Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)


Rating 4.6 out of 5 (74 ratings in Udemy)

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