Welcome to the bestseller Powerpoint Video Course! Start creating animated videos now.
Video creation skills are becoming more and more important these days. Video content is growing fast, people prefer to watch videos for all kinds of purposes, and marketers are jumping on this trend. And while there is a lot of complex video software out there, you can actually create pretty beautiful videos with PowerPoint only!
The quality of PowerPoint videos is good enough for all kids of informative/educational videos. These can be marketing videos for businesses, videos for online courses or for a YouTube channel for example. There are a lot of YouTube channels with millions of views which have their videos created with PowerPoint!
So if you want to use video for business purposes, you don't need fancy/complex software and long training anymore - You can use PowerPoint. And with the right techniques that I will teach you in this course, you can realize beautiful videos which will definitely look like "real videos" and not PowerPoint presentations.
This course is full practice, full hands-on. We will create 3 videos together completely from scratch, and every single step will be clearly explained. By then end of it you will master PowerPoint video creation and will be able to produce animated videos at will. And with more experience you will become more efficient. It is totally possible to produce one video per day!
And, as a bonus, you will be able to download more than 20 ready-made PowerPoint video templates for your Video Introductions, Facebook/Instagram Ads, YouTube End Screens and more! I create these templates myself and occasionally upload new ones completely for free.
Creating video with PowerPoint is a great compromise between the quality of the video (in terms of "complexity") and the time it takes to do it. You can create hours and hours of video relatively fast compared to most specific software.
[Created by Business Disruptors]