This course introduces Microsoft Excel's powerful data modeling andbusiness intelligence tools: Power Query, Power Pivot, and Data Analysis Expressions (DAX).
If you're looking to become a powerExcel userand absolutelysupercharge your Excel analytics game, this course isthe A-Z guide that you're looking for. I'll introduce the "Power Excel"landscape, and explorewhat these Excel tools are all about and whythey are changing the world of self-service business intelligence.
Together, we'll walk through the Excel BIworkflow, and build an entire Excel data model from scratch:
First we'll get hands-on withPower Query;atool toextract, transform, and loaddata into Excel from flat files, folders, databases, API services and more. We'll practice shaping, blending and exploringourproject files in Excel's query editor, andcreatecompletely automatedloading procedures inside of Excel with only a few clicks.
From there we'll dive into Data Modeling 101,andcover the fundamentals of database design and normalization (including table relationships, cardinality, hierarchies and more). We'll take a tour throughthe Excel data model interface, introducesome best practices and pro tips, and thencreate our ownrelational database to analyze throughout the course.
Finally, we'll usePower Pivot and DAX toexplore and analyze our Excel data model. Unlike traditional Excel Pivot Tables, Power Pivot allows you to analyze hundreds of millions of rows across multiple data tables (inside of Excel!), and create superchargedcalculated fields using aformula language called Data Analysis Expressions (or "DAX" for short). We'll cover basic DAX syntax,then introduce some of the most powerful andcommonly-used functions -- CALCULATE, FILTER, SUMX and more.
If you're ready totake your Excelgame to new heights and join the leading edge of analytics & business intelligence, this course is for you. It's time to stop fighting with tedious, manual tasks andstruggling with "old-school" Excel;join me on this journeyand emerge a certified excel analytics NINJA.
See you in there!
-Chris (Founder, Excel Maven &Maven Analytics)
IMPORTANT: Power Query and Power Pivot are currently NOT available in Excel for Mac. You'll need a PC version of Excel that is compatible with Power Pivot (Excel 2010 with plug-in,Excel 2013, Excel 2016, or Excel 2019 Standalone, Office 365 Pro Plus, Enterprise E3/E5, Office Professional 2016, etc.)
Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for "Maven Analytics"to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, andTableaucourses!
Hear why this is one of the TOP-RATEDExcel courses on Udemy, and the #1 Excel Power Query + Excel Power Pivot course:
"I am a self-taught Excel Power Query user and it took me a while to understand what each tool does and how it interacts with others. Thanks to your introduction I finally nailed it in a very clear, unambiguous way. You helped me build a method that I can confidently apply to my data in Excel. Thank you so much!"
-Francesca C.
"I'm less of an expert at breathing than Chris is at Excel. This course is thorough and well-planned, and he presents in a manner that simplifies the complicated. Well worth your time if you want to master Excel power query and power pivot!"
-Tim B.
"I'm geeking out, this is so cool. Where has this been all my life???"
-Karen P.
*** This courseincludes Excel project files, quizzes &homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIMEaccess and a 100%money-back guarantee! ***