Pitch Yourself Learn to Ignite Curiosity + Inspire Action.

Pitch Yourself  Learn to Ignite Curiosity + Inspire Action.

Rating 4.47 out of 5 (5595 ratings in Udemy)

What you'll learn


    What makes a person compelling?  In this chaotic,  over-stimulated environment, what makes people stop in their tracks, perk up  their ears, and hunger for more?  If you're interested in selling your organization, the art of communication is  critical.  I will teach you how to grab  the listener's attention so they stay engaged and curious.

    Your marketing campaign begins with your ability to speak with confidence, …

    Duration 1 Hours 58 Minutes

    Self paced

    All Levels

    English (US)


    Rating 4.47 out of 5 (5595 ratings in Udemy)

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