Rating 4.9 out of 5 (55 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn
- Students would mostly pass the exam from the first attempt.
- Learners will get the knowledge required to understand what are the green building strategies.
- Students will be knowledgeable about energy and water efficiency, materials and resources management, indoor environmental quality, and sustainable sites.
- Understand LEED Rating system in detail.
- Learn more about LEED Accreditation and Certification levels.
- Understand the …
Rating 4.9 out of 5 (55 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn
- Students would mostly pass the exam from the first attempt.
- Learners will get the knowledge required to understand what are the green building strategies.
- Students will be knowledgeable about energy and water efficiency, materials and resources management, indoor environmental quality, and sustainable sites.
- Understand LEED Rating system in detail.
- Learn more about LEED Accreditation and Certification levels.
- Understand the synergies between each credit category and find out the trade-offs.
- Receive certificate of completion after completing all course videos.
- understand how to answer exam questions with Q&As.
Take this crash final revision course(Answering practice Tests) to revise LEEDRating system Or start with it your studies of sustainability andgreen building using the LEED Rating System. There are no eligibility requirementsto be LEEDGreen Associate - LEEDGA! all you have to do is to take the course and book for your exam! The course is provided in both English and Arabic languages.
أبدأ دراستك لليد أو للمراجعة من خلال الدورة التدريبية المتخصصة فى نظام تقييم الأبنية الخضراء والبناء المستدام "LEED"
دورة المراجعة النهائية (الرد على اختبارات الممارسة) لمراجعة نظام التقييم
تقدم الدورة باللغة العربية
The LEED course was prepared by a USGBCapproved instructor "USGBCLEED Faculty - Karim elnabawy.
USGBC® Faculty are experienced educators with a strong background in professional education, training, and facilitation in green building and sustainability development.
تم إعداد دورة LEED من قبل مدرب معتمد من " USGBC - كريم النبوي.
USGBCFACULTY: محاضرين متمرسين ولديهم خلفية قوية في التعليم المهني والتدريب والتيسير في البناء الأخضر وتنمية الاستدامة.
The following are some insights to the course content:
Understand LEEDRating system.
Learn more about LEEDAccreditation and Certification levels.
understand how to answer the exam questions with illustrated answers.
Receive study hints for how to pass the exam from the first time.
understand the sustainable credit categories along with strategies: (Integrative process synergies - Location and Transportation - Sustainable sites - Water Efficiency - Energy and Atmosphere - Materials and Resources - Indoor environmental Quality - Innovative design - Regional priority).
Understand the synergies between each credit category and find out the trade-offs.
highlights on the most important aspects of each credit category.
Receive certificate of completion from udemy after completing all course videos.
محتويات ومزايا الاشتراك فى الدورة:
- مشاهدة 20 فيديو متضمنين حل الاربع امتحانات التحضيرية (400 سؤال) مع شرح وفهم للاسئلة والأجوبة.
- فهم نظام تقييم LEED.
- تعرف على المزيد حول مستويات الاعتماد للافراد والمشروعات.
- فهم كيفية الإجابة على أسئلة الامتحان بإجابات مصورة.
- تلقي نصائح دراسية عن كيفية اجتياز الاختبار من المرة الأولى.
- فهم فئات الائتمان المستدام جنبًا إلى جنب مع الاستراتيجيات: (العمليات التكاملية - الموقع والنقل - المواقع المستدامة - كفاءة المياه - الطاقة والغلاف الجوي - المواد والموارد - جودة البيئة الداخلية - التصميم المبتكر - الأولوية الإقليمية).
- فهم أوجه التآزر بين كل فئة ائتمان ومعرفة المقايضات.
- تسليط الضوء على أهم جوانب كل فئة ائتمانية.
- الحصول على شهادة إتمام الدورة من udemy بعد الانتهاء من جميع مقاطع فيديو الدورة
live training and special workshops can be organized too. For more information, contact the instructor in a message.
يمكن تنظيم التدريب اللايف وورش العمل الخاصة أيضًا. لمزيد من المعلومات ، تواصل مع المحاضر في رسالة.
How to be LEEDGreen Associate in steps:
Watch a preface free introduction to LEEDRating System.
Take a LEEDGreen Associate Course or Workshop.
Study and take simulation exams and practice tests.
Register on USGBCand Pay for the exam.
Follow the instructions on USGBCand schedule the exam.
Go for the exam with confidence.
كيفية اجتياز الإمتحان من أول مرة:
1- شاهد فيديو او مقدمة عن نظام تصنيف LEED.
2- شارك في دورة تدريبية أو ورشة عمل لـ LEED Green Associate.
3- دراسة وإجراء اختبارات المحاكاة واختبارات الممارسة.
4- سجل في USGBC وادفع للاختبار.
5- اتبع التعليمات الموجودة على USGBC وحدد موعد الامتحان.
6- اذهب للامتحان بثقة.
This course will also highlight the most important topics for your exampreparation.
Get ready to start your sustainability journey.
General notes:
The course is provided by karim elnabawy -GBERA"Green Building Education and Research Academy" and it took a huge amount of time and effort to be developed in a way that will allow students benefit from them. The courseis not allowedto be distributed outside
Udemyby any means. Onlysharing theofficial link to the course is allowed.
Screenshots and downloading videos is not allowed.
In the following link, you will understand how to use UDEMYpractice tests:https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/231954647-Practice-Test-FAQs
GBERA is not affiliated with the U.S. Green Building Council® or Green Business Certification Inc.™ and does not administer the LEED AP® /LEED® Green Associate™ program. USGBC and GBCI do not endorse or recommend the products or services offered by GBERA.
LEED AP® and the LEED AP logos are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council® and are used with permission.
LEED® Green Associate™ and the LEED Green Associate logos are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council® and are used with permission.
Self paced
All Levels
Rating 4.9 out of 5 (55 ratings in Udemy)
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