What is Kodu?
Kodu Game Lab is a 3D game development environment that is designed to teach kids basic programming principles. Kodu allows creators to build the world's terrain, populate it with characters and props, and then program their behaviors and games rules in a bespoke visual programming language.
Kodu originated as a project in Microsoft Research. The original target platform was the Xbox 360 using C#, XNA, and releasing via the Indie Games Channel. The choice of releasing on the Xbox informed much of the early UI development since everything needed to be done using a game controller. Since porting to the PC, support for keyboard, mouse, and touch have been added.
The goal for Kodu has always been to be as easy as possible for new users. Guided by this goal, we've tended to design new features so that they are simple and understandable rather than more complex and complete.
This course will ensure children at home are given a direction to learn. Given there's so much time at home, this course intends to create a platform to teach children in:
Developing a skill or capability:
–Ability to Self-Learn
–Ability to Teach Others
–Ability to talk with clarity
–Ability to Influence
–Ability to Include everyone in daily prayers
Children will:
Learn by Doing
Understand by Teaching
Reading Blogs, Online Courses etc
Listening to good talks
Entertainment: YouTube and other media
Project Assignments
Students will learn to Self-learn: Kodu, Python for Kids, HTML etc
You will develop the ability to teach others
You will learn to talk with clarity
You will influence others positively
You will understand more by teaching
Expectation setting:
1. Children should take sessions seriously
2. Assignments and Challenges need to be completed on-time
3. Children should plan their day properly, include the below: