聊天機器人企業應用與使用者介面設計 Chatbot Enterprise Application and UI

聊天機器人企業應用與使用者介面設計 Chatbot Enterprise Application and UI

Rating 0 out of 5 (0 ratings in Udemy)

What you'll learn
  • 認識聊天機器人的定義
  • 了解聊天機器人的應用範圍
  • 掌握導入聊天機器人的步驟及介面設計
  • 了解如何創造顧客體驗價值
  • To understand the definition of a chatbot.
  • Understand the application of chatbot.
  • To master the steps of introducing chatbot and interface design.
  • Learn how to create value in the customer experience




在這 …

Duration 1 Hours 58 Minutes

Self paced

Beginner Level

Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)


Rating 0 out of 5 (0 ratings in Udemy)

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