Ihave over 655,000 students here on Udemy and over 1 million all over the world. I have many online and offline successful businesses, Ihave cured many of my illnesses in my body. Ihave an extraordinary persona life, that Ifeel happy about.
Why am I telling you this?To boast?No, Iwant you to know that I have something to give you, that Ihave the knowledge that can help you and anybody listening to me.
Iknow how life works, and I can show you that you too can have a wonderful life as well, not just financially but in every area. Life is not just about money, there is a lot more to it.
Focusing on the material will give you an empty life, you need to focus on becoming more. Becoming wiser, smarter, a better friend, husband, wife, brother, son, daughter, person, etc. Focus on growing everyday, because without growth we humans tend to get depressed and angry.
Ilearned that we can become successful in basically anything we want, we just have to know how life works. Once we understand the game of life then we can start winning it.
Over 95% person of the world population are just living life, day to day following the same routines and expecting different results. Some people go to their job hoping to get paid more, just because in their minds they are worth more. Why not become more?Give more at your job, give me more in your relationship and all this without expecting. If you live like this, you will be amazed how much more you get.
We tend to ask more than we give, and this a formula is doomed for failure. Learn to be a giver and you will live a better life where abundance of great things never stop coming to you.
If you can take one thing away from this course and apply it, Iknow that it could change your life, like it has mine. Having so much success puts me in a position to give back, and this is my way of doing it.
Sincerely Edwin Diaz, your instructor and indirect brother in life :)