Start Color Correction and Color Grading of your videos professionally with Blackmagic Design's DaVinci Resolve!
If you are looking for a free application that will allow you to color grade videos however you want them, DaVinci is the best answer. DaVinci Resolveis used by amateur and professional video makersacross the world for every type of production from business & marketing videos, music videos to documentaries and feature films. This course is the best way to jump right in and start color correcting and grading.
Color Correct and Color Grade videos the way you imagine them!
Practice color correction and grading while you learn. This course includes practice files so you can follow along andactually learn by doing.
I'll be teaching the course using the DaVinci Resolve 16 application, but if you have a previous version,or even a newer version,you can still learn to color correct and grade with this course.
What makes me qualified to teach you?
I put together this DaVinci Resolve color grading course. I am a best-selling instructor of top-rated courses that get great reviews such as:
An incredible learning experience. The instructor is very clear and easily understood. - Walter Simmons
Teaching by an expert teacher. - Abdulkadir Cabuğa
Excellent! I couldn't ask for a better tutorial on whiteboard animations. The course is very thorough, and provides enough practice activities to apply the skills.-
My Promise to You
I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.
What is this DaVinci ResolveColor Grading course all about?
In this complete guide on Color Correction and Grading using DaVinci Resolve, you'll not only learn all of the color correction and grading tools available in DaVinci Resolve, but also how to color grade videos with the mindset of an expert in color grading.
This course will cover everything you need to know to start color correction and grading, including:
Interface of the Color page in DaVinci Resolve
Starting a Project
Importing Videos to Resolve
The Workflow for Color Correction and Grading
The Concept of Nodes
Types of Nodes and how to use them
Color Wheels
Power Windows
Color Correcting and Grading your Video to give it a great style
Editing Green Screen (chroma key) Footage
Exporting your video for high-quality playback on any device
So much more!
BONUS: As a bonus, you'll receive supplemental video clips to practice with while I teach you with.
By the end of this course, your confidence in color correction and grading videos will soar, and you'll have a thorough understanding of how to use DaVinciResolvefor fun or as a career opportunity.
Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!