Geology: Earth Science for Everyone

Geology: Earth Science for Everyone
Duration 2 Hours 58 Minutes

Self paced

All Levels

English (US)


Rating 4.25 out of 5 (2016 ratings in Udemy)

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Rating 4.25 out of 5 (2016 ratings in Udemy)

What you'll learn
  • Learn about the history and workings of planet Earth.
  • Learn about global phenomena, rocks, crystals, plate tectonics, geologic time, and how rocks form.
  • Learn how geology influences everything from the shape of the landscape to natural events (often called disasters.)


This ambitious course in Earth Science is the first of its kind. DJ Lake inspires wonder, explaining challenging scientific concepts clearly and easily.

Starting billions of years ago at the beginning of time, we bring you right to the present day. The veil is lifted on why the Earth works as it does, how we know what we know about our planet, and how all this affects your daily experience of the world.

This course is an introduction to Earth Science topics through the history of geology and chemistry. It is aimed at giving the student knowledge of why and how we know what we know in Earth Science. If you are looking …