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COVID-19 has created an impact on most of the industries. Education industry has been witnessing this impact too.
We are in a transformational phase.
Online Teaching has become a new normal in almost all the colleges & Universities.
Will Technology take over human Teaching?
"Technology will Not replace Teachers - But Those who Do not use Technology"
This means that in coming years, the method of Teaching will shift from classroom Teaching to Digital or online Teaching.
I mean, look at the kids and youngsters in the age group of 5-20 years. They spend most of the time on mobile devices, Laptop, I-Pad or Computer. Most of their knowledge comes from the Internet.
These are the future students who are habitual and comfortable with Online Learning.
I am Dr. Syed Mohsin, Professor at a University in Chennai, India. I am Director- Centre for Digital Media.
In my decade long Teaching Career, I have seen a major shift in the way students learn. Use of Google, YouTube, Quora and so many other online apps to learn unknown concepts have increased manifolds.
Look at the basics!
A Teacher's job is to Teach and get paid for it! But are Teachers paid the salary they deserve? Are you satisfied with your Earning?
If your answer is No, this Course is for YOU!
Let us understand education system with these 2 Case Studies!
Any Education system consists of three components
1. Teacher - who is a Knowledge giver
2. Student - who is a Knowledge receiver
3. Facilitator - as a Medium for exchange of this Knowledge
Case Study- 1: Trend of Education in the Past
Twenty five-Thirty years ago, the Education System, especially in India, had few Institutes of Higher Education.
Students used to take admission in a University. Successfully complete a degree Course and get a good Job. Not all but most of the students used to earn a livable income through these Jobs.
In this Case it was a Win-Win-Win situation for all the three parties. Teacher, Student and the Education Institute, as all of them were earning well.
Case Study- 2: Trend of Education at Present
In present scenario, the number of Educational Institutes has grown manifolds. The fee structure has skyrocketed.
Yet a lot of Students are taking admission in a University. They Successfully complete a degree Course and are finding it difficult to get a good Job. Many of them settle for a lower position and underpaying jobs. Lot of them struggle to earn a livable income through these Jobs.
They load teachers with Co-curricular and extracurricular work. So it is 20% teaching and 80% Non-teaching work for them.
In this Case, now it is a Loose-Loose-Win situation for the three parties. Teacher and Student loose while the Educational Institute is still earning well.
So what's the Solution??
I offer a solution through this Course. I want to empower Teachers in realizing the combined potential of Teaching and Internet. Where Internet serves as a medium for exchange of knowledge.
I present 4 tried and tested Successful methods of making money online. Fourth method will blow your mind. This Course comprise Self Evaluation Quiz, Video Lectures, Actionable workbooks, Assignment to improve your Skill and loads of information. At the End of this Course, there is a Challenge to 'Create and Set-up Your Own Online Store.
See you in the Course.