A complete Digital Banking course on Udemy! You'll learn unique and in depth knowledge from a senior product manager who works in digital banking for one of the World's top 100 banks.
From understanding banking to how digital banking is revolutionizing banking, from digital banking systems architecture to the future of bank branches, from digital banking channels to understanding digital banking functionality and finally digital banking system flows. I offer Q&Asessions with students and detailed summaries of all lectures and topics covered as well as a wide range of resources to help progress your knowledge.
Right now, there are over 142,000+ job listings worldwide (go check Linkedin yourself!) that are looking for digital banking professionals, that pay on average $120,000 + / year. In fact, digital product managers can earn $250,000 + / year.
Digital banking is pandemic and economic recession proof.
Over $1 trillion has been invested recently in digital banking by banks and unprecedented investment by banks globally is continuing to rapidly change the way that we all bank. Banks can't hire digital banking professionals fast enough.
But how exactly do you get into digital banking? There are definitely no degrees in digital banking or formal certifications, and courses online just scrape the surface. They don't provide real, practical and proven digital banking insights and knowledge. Most folks working in digital, like me, have built up their skills over many years of hard work in technology and management.
Well that's where I can help you. You'll get up to date, practical and proven digital banking insights and knowledge from a digital insider. The kind of skills and knowledge that will help you land a job in digital banking or help you grow your current knowledge of digital. By developing an understanding of digital banking, you'll master the concepts and the language of digital banking - and have a solid baseline for chasing a rewarding career in digital.
Students aren't required to know anything beforehand. All you need is enthusiasm and an inquisitive mind. I'l teach you the fundamentals and how to apply them, to help you develop into a digital banking professional.