Rating 4.4 out of 5 (443 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn- You will learn how to build an automated continuous integration (CI) pipeline with Jenkins and its various plugins
- Apply DevOps strategies to your projects
- Understand Continuous Delivery
- Automate the deployment process
- Reduce release time
- Release better software
- Build a highly available and fully scalable application
- Learn to automate monitoring the infrastructure
Description Rating 4.4 out of 5 (443 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn- You will learn how to build an automated continuous integration (CI) pipeline with Jenkins and its various plugins
- Apply DevOps strategies to your projects
- Understand Continuous Delivery
- Automate the deployment process
- Reduce release time
- Release better software
- Build a highly available and fully scalable application
- Learn to automate monitoring the infrastructure
DescriptionThis course helps to understand the devops methodology in detail and help them learn the devops tools and gain handson experience on the tools thereby :
Apply DevOps strategies to your projects
Understand Continuous Delivery
Automate the deployment process
Create CI/CDpipeline by integrating the tools
Learn Managing application for high availability,Load balancing, scaling and deployment strategies for no downtime.
continuous integration Jenkins
version control system GIT
containerization using DOCKER
Build a highly available and fully scalable application with Docker Swarm
container orchestrator KUBERNETES
Introduction to Kubernetes
Kubernetes Architecture
Spinning up a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS
Exploring your Cluster
Understanding YAML configuration in kubernetes
Creating a pod object in kubernetes
Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML Preview
Creating a Service Object in Kubernetes
Creating Headless service, Node Port, Load balancer Services
Creating secrets and configmaps
Working with daemon sets
Deploying database application using statefulsets
Working with Persistent Volumes, Persistent volume claims
Using Rolling Updates in Kubernetes
Blue Green Deployments in Kubernetes
Canary Deployment in Kubernetes
Helm Package manager for Kubernetes
Deploying Kubernetes Dashboard with Helm
Installing Prometheus and grafana on kubernetes cluster with Helm
Monitoring Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus
Deploying micro service application using statefulsets and Persistent volumes
Create Kubernetes cluster on AWS with EKS
Eksctl command line tool
Configuring Auto Scaling EKS cluster on AWS
Deploy application on EKS cluster from Jenkins
Complete CI/CD pipeline on EKS cluster on AWS from Docker hub
Complete CI/CD pipeline on EKS cluster on AWS from ECR