Cryptocurrency Fundamentals: Coins, Wallets, Exchanges, ICOs
Rating 3.75 out of 5 (114 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn
- Know the difference between Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Altcoins
- Know about Wallets (PAPER WALLETS, MIND WALLETS, SOFT WALLETS, HARD WALLETS) and how to use them
- Understand the blockchain technology as well as the basics of mining new coins
- Know how to use Poloniex and Coinbase in order to trade and store cryptocurrencies
- Understand the difference between soft and hard forks and know why they exist
- Know about 51% attacks and sybil …
Duration 3 Hours 58 Minutes
Self paced
Beginner Level
English (US)
Rating 3.75 out of 5 (114 ratings in Udemy)
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Self paced
Beginner Level
English (US)
Rating 3.75 out of 5 (114 ratings in Udemy)
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