Criminal Investigation in the New Millennium
Rating 4.65 out of 5 (291 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn
- The goals of this course are to answer the following questions about the police criminal investigation process in the US: - How good are the police at solving crime? (Hint – not so good~~) - Who are the detectives and what do they do? - How did we get to where we are, and why? - What can we expect in the future? - How will forensics and technology help? - What will investigations look like in the year 2084? To help find the …
Duration 12 Hours 58 Minutes
Self paced
All Levels
English (US)
Rating 4.65 out of 5 (291 ratings in Udemy)
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Self paced
All Levels
English (US)
Rating 4.65 out of 5 (291 ratings in Udemy)
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