Understanding perspective drawing is one of the biggest challenges that creative people meet. This course takes the that challenge away and sets you on your way to being a creative perspective illustrator!
Whether or not you consider yourself an artist, you will understand perspective after taking this course! And, if you didn't know how to use GIMP design software, you will also become a proficient GIMP'er with just a few easy lessons.
This course uses real life photography to display the actual fundamentals of how perspective works in reality, and then breaks down the basics on how to use that knowledge to create beautiful illustrations.
Whether it be a simple greeting card design, landscape art, background art, or even just making art "for Art's sake", you will find this course incredibly useful for all of your creative endeavors.
Graphic Designers, Photographers, Creative Artists and Illustrators all find perspective to be incredibly useful as our understanding of space and depth can make a huge difference in the presentation of your visual works.
This course extensively covers all of the tools you will need to start drawing anything in GIMP with emphasis on the tools needed to create stunning perspective illustrations.
GIMP software is free and open-source without any hassle. Maybe you are planning to buy Photoshop, and that is fine, but why not try GIMP first? It's free! You can install GIMP on any computer, it is compatible with Windows, Apple's iOS, and Linux computers.
I will also be sharing my many years of illustration tips and tricks to help advance your illustration knowledge, both with slow step-by-step instruction and with time lapse video to keep you entertained through the slow parts.
As your instructor, I am always available, and I will do my best to make sure you overcome any challenges you meet!
I am looking forward to seeing you in class!