Here in this course, Create Professional Web Design without any HTML or CSS. I'll teach you about Elementor and how to use it to make awesome-looking websites easy without writing any HTML or CSS.
We'll be using a free theme and the free version of Elementor to create an awesome web design website.
Elementor is a very powerful frontend tool to make websites and learning how to use it can be very beneficial.
With Elementor you'll be able to make all sorts of different custom designs by just drag and dropping elements and customizing them.
Elementor also has a huge variety of templates that can help you speed up the process of building websites.
The website that we'll be making will be a simple portfolio website with 3 pages.
I'll be teaching you how to make a beautiful homepage and also we'll be making contact me and about me page.
I'll show you how to make awesome-looking buttons and beautiful sections with shape dividers that make them stand out.
This course is perfect for complete Web Design beginners and if you wanna get into Web Design, this course is perfect for you.
We'll start the course from a brand new installation of WordPress with nothing on it and we'll be making the needed pages and study about the very basics of how Elementor works.
The design that we'll be making will be a very simple and minimalistic design that is perfect for beginners.
Whether you are a business owner who wants a do-it-yourself training course for web design
Or a freelancer who wants to create a website and promote their services
In this web design training you will learn how to master Elementor and create beautiful web pages that promote your business or freelance offer.
So I will see you inside this course "Guide To Web Design Using Elementor & WordPress "
What you will learn:
You will learn the structure for a business/freelancer page
You will learn how to create the entire web page with a click and drag interface
The training will involve a full tutorial on how you can create a webpage from scratch
You will become a pro Elementor user who can build any type of page you can think of: sales pages, landing pages, thank you pages, offer pages, etc… and you will not have to rely on programmers for your web pages
Enroll inside this course today and start building your own websites