Step-by-step unleash your creative confidence
Create graphics, documents, presentations & videos
Unleash your creativity, make more money, with products you make and skills you learn, in Canva
Make Yourself Visible
Market Your Business
Sell Digital Products
Learn In-Demand Skills
Attract Better Clients
Cut Out Your Learning Curve
This course is your simple, no-stress, step-by-step FAST PATH to confident creating with Canva!
learn the timesaving tips & tricks
watch your skills build while having fun
finally learn how to make a range of videos
follow practical projects for inspiration
create business assets that you can sell
practice, feel confident & offer new services
How Much Time Do You Waste Struggling In Canva?
Canva is a brilliant money-making business gift to us all.
You can create eye-catching digital assets for your business.
Use them to market yourself, or sell them and make money.
You can create simple but scroll-stopping videos (did you realise that?)
And, clients are keen to hire freelancers with confident Canva skills.
BUT these things are only possible if you know what you can really do with Canva.
I'm sure you have grown your Canva skills slowly through trial and error.... and a lot of time-wasting frustration too!
You've done well to learn what you have on your own so far,
But you feel like there is so much more you could do.
You have great ideas for some PDF's and workbooks, attractive client documents...
You see others sharing cool images, and some fancy effects and wonder how on earth they did that? Is that possible in Canva, you wonder to yourself?
You are sure your photos could look better and...
What's all this about creating videos in Canva???
So you pop into Canva and start trying to bring your ideas to life...
Sadly, it takes you forever, with lots of frustrating fiddling about, even trying to keep text where you want it to stay, and why does lining stuff up seem such a trial!
Of course, you can learn all this from YouTube... But who even has the time to wade through all those out of date, rambling videos?
Isn't it time to move beyond the 'samey' social media graphics and get Canva working harder for your business?
All the skills you need are right here in this course. Short, well-planned, high-quality tutorials help you learn as you go. And the clear structure of the course makes it easy to pop back in and refresh your skills in a specific technique very quick and easy.
Start today. How can you use your new Canva skills?