Hello and welcome to, Create Fun Flower Designs in PowerPoint.
Have you ever wanted to create your own designs for low content books, flyers, lead magnets, coffee mugs, and yet don’t have complicated software such as Photoshop? If so, you’re in luck!
In this training you’ll learn graphic design techniques in PowerPoint 365. I’ll demonstrate those techniques by showing you how create a multitude of flower designs. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to not only make a ton of creative flowers, you’ll also have the knowledge that you can apply to all kinds of graphic design projects in PowerPoint.
I’m Rebecca Livermore The Office Creative, and I LOVE using PowerPoint in creative ways. PowerPoint is my tool of choice for creating unique designs that can be used in books, lead magnets, and even on merchandise such as coffee mugs and t-shirts.
This course starts off by laying the foundation in PowerPoint that you’ll need to make each of the flowers in the course. I’ll teach you how to turn icons into shapes, how to fill and outline shapes, how to merge shapes, and so much more.
I then show you how to use those techniques to create a wide variety of flowers.
You'll Learn
How to use PowerPoint for graphic design
Have a deep understanding of the image options available for free in PowerPoint
Understand how to use icons in PowerPoint
The power of working with shapes in PowerPoint
How to quickly turn PowerPoint icons into shapes
How to fill and outline shapes in multiple ways such as color, textures, images, and more
Various ways to remove parts of an icon or shape to create unique flowers in PowerPoint
How to work with layers in PowerPoint
How to create 11 unique flower designs, each with multiple variations
How to save shapes in PowerPoint as photos
How to merge PowerPoint shapes in various ways to create unique flower designs
How to create cheat sheets for each of your flower designs so that you can easily recreate them
How to use the selection pane in PowerPoint to focus on individual pieces of each design
How to customize the colors of your flower designs
How to use PowerPoint Artistic Effects to give a different feel to each of your designs
How to use illustrations that are built into PowerPoint
Various ways to combine different flower icons, shapes, and illustrations to quickly and easily create unique flower designs in PowerPoint
This training is perfect for you if you want to unleash your creativity using nothing but PowerPoint!
So what are you waiting for? Let’s go ahead and dive in!