The parametric and generative designing tools changed the view of the pro-environmental dimension of today’s architecture. When adopting CAD/CAM technological solutions the architects re-solve the relation between the form of buildings, materials used, energy management systems, and pro-environmental properties. The synergy of the latest technologies with natural, traditional, and environment-friendly solutions has gained unprecedented recognition. Environmental objectives are effectively implemented at an increasing scale. Environmental construction supported by the latest digital technologies may soon constitute a bridge between huge urban structures and the natural environment, satisfying the needs of both sides. Parametric design methods allow you to very quickly generate dozens of variations on a project problem, keeping imposed by the investor environmental standards." Marcin Giedrowicz " Parametric Design for Ecological Purposes
The course will discuss the Environmental site analysis using Ladybug tools with Rhinoceros 3D and Grasshopper 3D, it will cover :
o How to get Climate Data & analyze it
o Micro-climate study
Course Content:
* Energy modeling For a building:
• Create thermal zones in the early design stage ( conceptual Form)
• How to Add Glazing/windows & material
• Energy simulation process
• How to visualize Results
* Energy modeling For each floor:
• Create thermal zones for each space of the building ( detailed plan )
• How to Add Glazing/windows & material
• Energy simulation process
• How to visualize Results
Course outcome:
- Students will learn how to :
** assign your building in honeybee
** add details to your building (levels- windows)
** assign material to your building's envelop
** prepare your building for Energy simulation
** run an Energy simulation and read the results
In addition, I will share some tips and tricks to make it easier for you
Note :
This part of the course doesn't include Rhino + Grasshopper 3d basics and Environmental site analysis using ladybug, You should attend the first part of the course " Computational environmental design using Ladybug Tools_part1" on Udemy
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