Kernel spaces
Different Shells, ZSH, Bash, Oh My ZSH, Tmux, productivity plugins
Package management: apt, apt-get, yum, zypper
File Archiving: p7zip, xz-utils, gzip, gunzip, tar
Command-line chaining: pipe, %token, AND_IF, OR_IF, DSEMI
System and hardware: dmidecode, lsblk, inxi, ncal, time, uptime, date
Managing disk and file permissions: dd, gzip, fdisk, swapoff/on, free, find, chmod, mount, runlevel, fsck, mkswap, resize2fs
Services and performance management: ps, kill, killall, pkill, pstree, lsof, pgrep, top, htop
Users and groups management: sudo, passwd, useradd, adduser, id, usermod, chage, getfacl, setfacl, who, last, lastb, utmpdump
Networking: iproute2, ip, txqueuelen, mtu, netplan, route get, list, neighbor, traceroute, DNS, dig, host, OpenSSH, SSH Tunneling, Socks, SCP, RSync
IPTables, Filter, NAT, Mangle, UFW, covering IPTables completely
System Visibility using sysdig & csysdig: Kernel syscalls and event use-cases, Chisels and Text-GUI CSysDig
Task Automation with cron jobs
Shell Programming (Bash scripting) from bash basics to writing a few projects e.g. writing automated backup, a password manager, and so on
Checking on Windows subsystem for Linux: WSL2 along with Windows Terminal profiles with Oh My ZSH, Nerd Font, colorls, backup WSL Linux machines, and much more
long story short: Your learning approach in this course is the same way as you probably learned how to ride a bike! Remember? Even if you haven't, you will learn Linux Command-Line and Shell Scripting (Bash scripting) with us anyway! Just keep do-along with each video and code-along with each project.
Since different work environments are built-up with different Linux distributions, this course is inspired by LPIC Certificate and therefore is built vendor-neutral, meaning no matter RedHat based, or Debian forked, e.g. CentOS, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Kali, or even Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2), you will learn their differences and will start doing real things in their shell.