Commissioning Specialist Coursework
LEED Green Buildings usually have more complicated building systems and very specific requirements for some control systems. We will provide an introduction to the LEED /GSAS Green Building Rating System and then discuss how the Commissioning Process for a LEED building might differ from a standard new construction project. This session provides insights into some of the more technical LEED credits and how they integrate with the Commissioning Process.
The Commissioning LEED Green Buildings was prepared by a experienced Sustainability Specialist /Commissioning specialist - Krishnaji Pawar. Specialized in developing sustainable design strategies for Green Building Certification Systems (LEED, GSAS, etc.), Energy & Water Conservation, Commissioning, Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Systems.
This is a beginner level course focused on Commissioning(Cx) covers fundamental concepts of green building science and the process of commissioning for new buildings.
You do not need any prior experience or knowledge about Commissioning. Being familiar with HVAC Systems ,building construction industry or any engineering degree will be helpful.
Who is this course for?
Engineers who are working in LEED / GSAS / IGBC projects and wants to understand more about Commissioning credit requirements and implementation.
Engineering Degree holders who are preparing for BCxP,CCP,CCA,CBCP(Building commissioning professionals) exam.
All people who want to know advanced information about green building, building commissioning, sustainability and their verification tool which is LEED or GSAS.
Engineers,Architects, urban planners, interior designers, and building professionals.
Mechanical and Electrical engineers (MEP).
Civil and Infrastructure engineers, construction professionals, and site engineers.
Any person above 18 years' old and want to learn green building and commissioning services .
Live and online trainings and special workshops can be organized too. For more information, contact the instructor in a message.