Have you ever thought about reaching out to strangers via email and converting them into your next potential customers? That's basically what you'll learn in this course.
I'm here to teach you an easy cold emailing framework that you can apply in your business to bring in the best possible clients. To start this course, you need no prior experience in any field. Just bring your desire to learn.
It's not rocket science ?
Cold emailing can be confusing for people that are just starting in this field. You don't need any unique talents or complex certifications to send the right emails that will bring your next customers. You just have to follow some simple rules.
One of the best ways to generate business traction ?
Cold email is probably one of the most effective ways to generate business traction faster than you would expect. It's cheap and time-efficient, which makes it easy to scale up with a single click. You can send a one-to-one email to a whole audience that shares similar commonalities, it's least intrusive or disruptive and the one receiving it has time to think and respond or not respond at their own pace.
The next steps for your first successful emails ?
In the digital age, people will much rather interact through emails rather than on the phone. All you need to know are a few cold emailing best practices which you will be able to adopt easily by the end of this course, as well as how to find the right people to approach who will discover your ice-breaking valuable, which again by the end of this course you'll be able to achieve.
Some of the subjects that will be covered in this course are:
Foundations - basics of email outreach in cold emails
Avoiding the spam box - how to not get in your prospect's spam box
Targeting - get to know your potential clients
Prospecting - find your potential clients using basic, easy to use tools (like Google, LinkedIn, Hunter)
Writing your cold email - best copywriting and persuasion principles
Setting up your cold email campaign - let's get in the digital and email marketing side of things
Measure your success - lead generation statistics and analytics
Cold Email Templates - they work perfectly with well written cold calling scripts
Pitfalls - How get over the hard moments for B2B Sales professionals, and b2b lead generation