Have you worked in Canva and wanted to learn more or been curious about getting started with Canva 2.0 or Canva Pro?
This course is your one-stop shop if you want to learn how to get started with Canva and also start building your visual brand. This is going to be an excellent resource for Influencers as well!
Some of the features we'll talk about in the course include: publishing your designs directly on social media from Canva, Scheduling social media posts from Canva, Branding, and creating multiple business elements in Canva.
I have been using Canva for about four years now and work as a Content Creator and in social media. My experience has allowed me to dive in further to multiple aspects of Canva from video to social media, even using it to plan Instagram feeds.
I strongly believe this course is different from the other courses about Canva on this platform
Let me tell you how:
First, it’s a Master Course, meaning we will go into details to present all the features and functionalities of Canva, this wonderful and free app that will allow you to create stunning designs in no time! In this course, we will dive a bit deeper.
Second, I wanted the course to be as hands-on & practical as possible for you. It will not only teach you how to use Canva, but will help you develop a brand identity for your business or organization. Your brand identity is indeed the foundation upon which you should build your company’s communication. It includes your mission, vision, target audience, personality and core values. We will make sure to cover all these fundamentals of graphic design before we start designing.
The way that I run through this Canva Course allows you to see exactly how to get started and complete multiple projects and even offers your links to Free Canva Templates I have designed in the past or design directly in the course.
Here is a list of the projects included in the course:
Your brand style guide
A Facebook Cover
An Instagram Quote
A YouTube Channel Art
A YouTube Intro and Outro video
A LinkedIn Banner
An Instagram Feed Planner
Instagram Highlight Covers
A Presentation
Business Cards
A Landing Page
An Influencer Media Kit
A FREE Branding Style Guide Workbook
By the end of this master course you will have created a full set of consistent visuals that will actually help you promote your brand. You will have mastered Canva and will be able to use it to produce any kind of visuals you need in the future, allowing you to save time, money and take your design skills to the next level!
Enroll now and let’s get started!!