Course re-design for Autumn 2021!
Ijust wanted to say a huge thank you to those who have enrolled on this Canva Masterclass during my 'trainee years' of creating online courses. I am delighted that this course will be evolving over the coming months, with a host of new content and a reimagining of our earlier chapters into a more cohesive strategy. Check back to this page over the next few months to see what we have in store!in the meantime we have a new 'basics module' that is due for completion by the end of August 2021
Elwyn Davies, PixelHaze Academy
PixelHaze Academy founder, Elwyn Davies has been a professional web and graphic designer since 2004. In fact, he has been working with graphic design software including Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop since way back in the mid-1990s.
Over the past 4-5 years, he has been working with Canva, and, although it doesn’t have the technical capability of the industry-leading software, it is the perfect gateway to desktop publishing for the next generation of designers, or for those of you who need to create the occasional flyer, social media graphic or slideshow presentation.
Canva is extremely easy to pick-up, it has a huge number of starting templates, with a stock library baked-in to the website. What’s more, it is built into your browser. You no longer need to download, install and update design software on your computer to create stunning artwork. Over and above that, the majority of features are completely free.
Throughout this masterclass series, we will be working with all aspects of Canva, carefully striking the balance between a technical understanding of what the software is capable of, to working with assets and the built-in font library. To compliment all of this, we will be tapping into Elwyn's experience as a professional designer to ensure you have a number of take-away tips and processes that he has picked up through the years.
We hope this has managed to whet your appetite and you are now ready to crack on with Canva. Let’s get started...