Bulletin 137 - Louisiana's ELC Licensing Regulations - 2
Rating 4.6 out of 5 (1596 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn
- Understand operating violations
- Comprehend critical incidents and reporting requirements
- Describe the criteria for license denial, revocation or non-renewal
- Identify the minimum licensing requirements and standards
- Understand the minimum staffing requirements and standards
Overview of Bulletin 137 Louisiana’s Early Learning Center Licensing Regulations Course 2 – Chapters 11 – 17 is the second course in a …
Duration 1 Hours 58 Minutes
Self paced
Beginner Level
English (US)
Rating 4.6 out of 5 (1596 ratings in Udemy)
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Self paced
Beginner Level
English (US)
Rating 4.6 out of 5 (1596 ratings in Udemy)
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