This course is aimed at anyone considering entering the acoustic consultancy profession including university students, engineering and architectural professionals looking for a career change or construction industry contractors. It provides the fundamental knowledge to understand the key design aspects of building acoustics and noise control. It is considered to be entry level acoustics knowledge for all engineering students wanting to get a job in the acoustic industry. High school mathematics is preferred but not essential.
To demonstrate the concepts, example spreadsheet calculations and sound demonstrations (called auralisations) are provided. Spreadsheets are also available as separate downloads.
Topics covered include acoustic fundamentals, sound outdoors, room acoustics, sound insulation, impact noise, acoustics for sustainable design.
By the end of this course students with an undergraduate degree in engineering, science or architecture, as well as mature age students with previous work experience from the building and construction industry will have enough background knowledge to qualify for entry level acoustic consultant job positions.
Course content in detail:
1. Acoustic Fundamentals
a. What is sound?
b. Decibel arithmetic
c. Describing sound sources
d. Acoustic properties of materials
e. More detail on sound absorption
2. Sound Propagation Outdoors
a. Describing sound sources
b. 5 factors affecting direct sound levels (in detail)
c. Distance from the source
d. Sound source size
e. Source directivity and location
f. Screening by barriers
g. Calculations of outdoor sound levels
h. Outdoor sound level criteria
3. Room Acoustics
a. Sound propagation in rooms
b. Types of surfaces
c. Reverberation time calculations
d. Reverberant sound level calculations
e. Room acoustic modelling
f. 3D room acoustic modelling software
g. Auralisations
h. Auralisation example (Beijing Watercube)
4. Sound Insulation
a. Sound absorption and sound insulation
b. Airborne and structureborne sound
c. Sound insulation performance parameters
d. Sound Insulation of partitions
e. Sound Insulation of glazing
f. Sound Insulation of composite partitions
g. Sound Insulating constructions
h. Auralisations of sound insulation
5. Impact Noise
a. Sound transmission in buildings
b. Impact noise generation and transmission through structures
c. Impact noise parameters and standards
d. Impact noise measurements
e. Sound insulating floor systems
f. Impact noise reduction
g. Case study – residential apartment
6. Acoustics for Sustainable Design
a. Acoustic considerations for sustainable design (city and building scale)
b. Acoustic comfort in green building rating systems (1hr to end of here)
c. Acoustics for open plan offices
d. Acoustic privacy in meeting rooms and offices
e. Natural ventilation and noise control
f. Dual vented window design
g. Naturally ventilated design of a library
h. Recycled materials with acoustic properties
i. Daylighting and acoustics