Build a Math Quiz App with C# and Visual Studio from scratch

Build a Math Quiz App with C# and Visual Studio from scratch

Rating 4.0 out of 5 (13 ratings in Udemy)

What you'll learn
  • Create a windows form project and add labels to your form
  • Generate Random Maths Problems using the Random Class
  • Add a countdown timer
  • Add a check answer method
  • Add event handlers
  • Trigger events to occur at a specific time
  • Control the program flow using conditional if else statements
  • Perform basic arithmetic operations using C#


What is C#?

C# is pronounced "C-Sharp". C# (C-Sharp) is a programming language …

Duration 1 Hours 58 Minutes

Self paced

Beginner Level

English (UK)


Rating 4.0 out of 5 (13 ratings in Udemy)

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