Hi everyone, my name is Darren Profas, I made a new course that teaches you how you can make your own Japanese Sword/Samurai Sowrd. This Course is , it's easy to follow plus i will teach you diferent ways of making a blade of your choice, you can pick one of the following blade of choice to follow along with me. I will show you some basic movent how to use Blender and Substance Painter. Currently im using Blender 2.90
You would Create a Ready Game assets Japanese Sword that later on you can use for Portfolio or any game engine.
In this course you will learn How to create your own Japanese Sword/Samurai Sword (Shirasaya) Plus the workflow of working with substance painter and the important tools that Blender offers us.
Before we jump to that let's talk about what we will do in the beginning,
in the beginning, we will learn how to model the whole Blade from start to finish, this kind of modeling call Hard surface, it's a lot of fun we will learn how to fix our geometry, how to use Edges data mean crease and other modifiers.
Till we have a nice Sharp Blade
Next we will learn how to make a metal piece that holds the blade together with the handel and that's called the Habaki
after that we will create the handel "Tsuka"and the cover of the blade "Saya"
when we are done with our modeling, we will start id our models and uv-unwrapping to export it to Substance Painter
In the Section of Substance Painter We will give our model a character what i mean by character by giving the Shirasaya a age like was it new or antique was in battle etc.
Than i will show you how we can import our texture Back into blender
You may ask what is the RISK BY TAKING This Course?
Zero, Niks, Nada, Nothing!!! If you are not satisfied with this part of course, I promise you, you will Recieve your full refund NO questions asked!!!
Follow along with me on this Journey, you won't be disappointed!!!
Who's this course is for: