Bad Boss: Dealing with a Difficult Manager

Bad Boss: Dealing with a Difficult Manager

Rating 4.52 out of 5 (1812 ratings in Udemy)

What you'll learn
  • Take back control over what your work week feels like - banish fear or unhappiness
  • Confront your boss in an effective, non-scary and professional manner to get win-win results
  • Create a positive work environment with a supportive and helpful manager
  • Overcome a feeling of helplessness that your boss is "terrible" or "evil" - it's not impossible
  • Look forward to coming in to work each day


Bad Boss: Dealing with a …

Duration 1 Hours 58 Minutes

Self paced

All Levels

English (US)


Rating 4.52 out of 5 (1812 ratings in Udemy)

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