Udemy already has a number of AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice exam courses on offer. But when you actually begin one of these courses, you realize that they are padded with entry-level details and simple, repeating questions over and over. For the time and attention you have invested into your development, it is completely inefficient.
Our course focuses on the most important and difficult question areas of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam.
By taking part in our high-level practice exam course, one that focuses on the difficult areas of content in the exam, you will have a deep knowledge and understanding of all the content for a successful exam! Learning the most challenging areas of questions will prepare you for whatever comes up in your real exam on the day.
The purpose of this practice test is to greatly increase your ability to pass the exam by giving you the knowledge for all questions in the exam, even the difficult ones. Being able to complete even the toughest questions will make all other questions of the exam easy to complete. Now you don't have to hope that you get enough easy questions to get your 72% and pass. Now you can be confident and answer every single question that might come up.
[Characteristics of the practice questions]
■ Questions correspond to the SAA-C02 exam version (newest)
■ Practical and realistic questions composed by the author after actually taking the exam.
■ Consists of most advanced level questions that can appear in the real exam, and higher!
■ Detailed explanations of each question allow you to understand the relevant points and AWS overall.
[Target users]
This course is suitable for:
Those who have passed the Associate Exam
All employees involved in IT work (sales / infrastructure / WEB / business, etc.)
Those who are interested in AWS
Those who want to master AWS
[The aim of the course]
Gain the full understanding needed to pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam.
You will experience the question content and question formats that will appear in the Associate exam.
Gain a detailed understanding of the structure and content areas of associate exams.
Comprehensively learn AWS knowledge based on a detailed analysis of associate exam question frequency range.