Rating 4.88 out of 5 (4 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn- solve over 300 exercises in Python
- deal with real programming problems
- work with documentation
- guaranteed instructor support
DescriptionTake the 100 days of code challenge! Welcome to the 100 Days of Code: Data Scientist Challenge course where you can test your Python programming and data science skills.
Topics you will find in the exercises:
Rating 4.88 out of 5 (4 ratings in Udemy)
What you'll learn- solve over 300 exercises in Python
- deal with real programming problems
- work with documentation
- guaranteed instructor support
DescriptionTake the 100 days of code challenge! Welcome to the 100 Days of Code: Data Scientist Challenge course where you can test your Python programming and data science skills.
Topics you will find in the exercises:
working with numpy arrays
generating numpy arrays
generating numpy arrays with random values
iterating through arrays
dealing with missing values
working with matrices
reading/writing files
joining arrays
reshaping arrays
computing basic array statistics
sorting arrays
filtering arrays
image as an array
linear algebra
matrix multiplication
determinant of the matrix
eigenvalues and eignevectors
inverse matrix
shuffling arrays
working with polynomials
working with dates
working with strings in array
solving systems of equations
working with Series
working with DatetimeIndex
working with DataFrames
reading/writing files
working with different data types in DataFrames
working with indexes
working with missing values
filtering data
sorting data
grouping data
mapping columns
computing correlation
concatenating DataFrames
calculating cumulative statistics
working with duplicate values
preparing data to machine learning models
dummy encoding
working with csv and json filles
merging DataFrames
pivot tables
preparing data to machine learning models
working with missing values, SimpleImputer class
classification, regression, clustering
feature extraction
PolynomialFeatures class
LabelEncoder class
OneHotEncoder class
StandardScaler class
dummy encoding
splitting data into train and test set
LogisticRegression class
confusion matrix
classification report
LinearRegression class
MAE - Mean Absolute Error
MSE - Mean Squared Error
sigmoid() function
accuracy score
DecisionTreeClassifier class
GridSearchCV class
RandomForestClassifier class
CountVectorizer class
TfidfVectorizer class
KMeans class
AgglomerativeClustering class
HierarchicalClustering class
DBSCAN class
dimensionality reduction, PCAanalysis
Association Rules
LocalOutlierFactor class
IsolationForest class
KNeighborsClassifier class
GradientBoostingRegressor class
This course is designed for people who have basic knowledge in Python and data science. It consists of 300 exercises with solutions. This is a great test for people who want to become a data scientist and are looking for new challenges. Exercises are also a good test before the interview.
If you're wondering if it's worth taking a step towards data science, don't hesitate any longer and take the challenge today.
Stack Overflow Developer Survey
According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, Python is the most wanted programming language. Python passed SQL to become our third most popular technology. Python is the language developers want to work with most if they aren’t already doing so.