Video description
Sponsored by Intel
Machines that can converse with humans are no longer science fiction; they’re here, and they’re in production. Get up to speed on what’s possible today—systems that understand human language, answer questions, summarize large bodies of documents, and use that information to solve problems.
What you'll learn-and how you can apply it
- Explore the concept of sociolinguistic variation and see how it affects machine learning models
- Discover evaluation techniques for trained models to ensure your system is working for everybody
- Learn how to build language-powered apps fast using pretrained open source and cloud natural language models
- Understand how to run inference NLP models and applications at scale using the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit
This Superstream is for you because...
- You want to explore the latest in natural language processing (NLP) tools and techniques
- You want to learn how to use TensorFlow to build AI applications that can understand and create text
- You care about fairness and want to understand what that means for your NLP projects in practical terms
- You want to learn how to create language-powered apps without having to build a model from scratch
- Come with your questions
- Have a pen and paper handy to capture notes, insights, and inspiration
Table of Contents
Laurence Moroney: Hands-On NLP with TensorFlow—From Zero to Hero
Rachael Tatman: Fairness and NLP
Radhika Anand: Conversational AI in the Real World (sponsored by Intel)
Dale Markowitz: NLP in a Hurry—Using Pretrained Models to Build Language Apps Fast
Zoe Cayetano and Raymond Lo: AI Inferencing with NLP at Scale with OpenVINO (sponsored by Intel)